Libre word processor
Libre word processor

Picture this: you open LibreOffice Writer, and are presented with a blank screen representing a blank sheet of paper. Never again) Let’s go back to our scenario above where I distinguish between the newb and the sensei. (I remember lift-off tape on my IBM Selectric. Yet most people use word processing software like it is typing, only with slightly better way of correcting mistakes. So what are the key concepts we need to understand to achieve this lofty goal? They are not all that many, really, but the first point is to understand that typing is not word processing. The objective of this series is to make you too a sensei. On the other hand, if they turn on non-printing characters like paragraph marks and tab marks, I know I am in the presence of a sensei. If they start off by selecting fonts, sizes, alignments, and so on, I know it is someone who is a complete newb.

libre word processor

I can tell within seconds whether someone knows what they are doing with word processing by observing what things they do when they open the program.

libre word processor

And the reason is that people never learn how to approach the software properly. But in any case, all of these are software that is misused frequently, or even most of the time. I have seen word processing software referred to as the most misused software in general use, though there is some debate as to whether spreadsheets or presentation software might be even more deserving. That is what we are going to work on in this series, using it properly. Until you put it to use properly it has very little power.

libre word processor

It has all of the features you would expect from a full-featured word processor, and is probably more powerful than you expect. LibreOffice Writer is the word processing component of LibreOffice.

Libre word processor